Thursday, April 21, 2005

violence continues unabated in Iraq

Car Bomb Hits Civilian Convoy on Baghdad's Airport Road

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A roadside bomb exploded on the highway leading to Baghdad's airport Thursday morning, heavily damaging three SUVs carrying civilians, police said.

Police Capt. Hamid Ali said two foreigners were killed and three others wounded in the burning vehicles, but officials in the U.S. military and at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, which were investigating the attack, could not immediately confirm that.

Commercial Helicopter Shot Down by Missile Fire in Iraq; Nine Dead, Including Three Bulgarians

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A commercial helicopter contracted by the U.S. Defense Department was shot down by missile fire north of the Iraqi capital Thursday, and all nine people on board were killed, U.S. and Bulgarian officials said.

Elsewhere, relatives of Iraqis who have disappeared in a Sunni militant stronghold known as the "Triangle of Death" gathered at a police station to examine photographs of the bodies of dozens of Iraqis that officials said were pulled from the Tigris River in recent weeks.

will this ever end?