Wednesday, April 20, 2005

superficial to the extreme!

Coulter is STILL complaining about her photo on the cover of Time! She's on the freakin' cover and she's bitching! She actually has said that she refuses to read the article (which is a completely kiss-ass write-up) because the cover picture distorts her "beauty"!!! I would be willing to bet that no one in their right mind would have had a second thought about this cover if she wasn't making a big deal about it, which she has to do in order to somehow skew this puff piece as an example of "liberal bias"! She knows that the fact that some people (for unknown reasons) find her attractive is the only reason she has a career at all, so she has to blame this perceived slight on "liberals".
In a fit of childishness that is amazing even for a conservative, she has posted a picture of Hillary Clinton on her website, in which a close up of Hillary's face is distorted with a fish-eye effect. Of course, Coulter's face was not distorted in the Time photo, and Clinton had less than nothing to do with the article, but, as usual, logic has nothing to do with her ranting! Added to that is the fact that Hillary's appearance is a complete non-issue and that she is a person of substance and not the superficial nothing that coulter is, so why bother with this kindergarten attack?
Considering that conservatives control all of the government and a vast majority of the media, it is kind of amazing that so many of them are melting down these days. Bizarre times we are living in!!