Wednesday, April 13, 2005

intentionally dense?

Once again, yes, I honestly think that these whack-jobs do not believe the idiocy that they are spouting, but its humorous regardless.


By Michelle Malkin
Not to worry. There are plenty of other hate-filled, liberal knick-knacks and apparel items still on sale.
Like this "Kill Bush" magnet depicting the president holding a gun to his head with the caption "End Terrorism Now:"
And before the "everybody does it" apologists pooh-pooh this lunatic anti-Bush merchandise: There's tasteless political paraphernalia on both sides of the aisle, but I've already searched and there are currently no "Kill Kerry" products, blood-spattered or otherwise, being sold at Cafe Press.

I know that comment is really unnecessary for this kind of absurdity, but i just gotta point out that there is no reason to have a "Kill Kerry" product, since he is not the current president who has murdered thousands upon thousands of people! That would be like giving bush shit about wind-surfing - its completely irrelevant because he doesn't do it!