Wednesday, November 10, 2004

why i moved out of indiana

More fuel for my contention that people just haven't been paying attention:

From the LA Times:

This is, basically, what one hears over and over in the suburbs of this city. They trust the guy, know where he stands. They like his values. And by "values," they do not mean his views on gay marriage and abortion. They cite the president's stance on terrorism and Iraq, his passion for lower taxes.

So many people find views like these literally incomprehensible. How can they trust a proven liar that went to war for no reason? How can they trust someone who has aided terrorists and helped their numbers grow? How can they trust someone whose "passion for lower taxes" essentially means lower taxes for the wealthy?

People just realize they have faith and trust in this president to make the right decisions,
I cannot even imagine that kind of faith in this person. What is this based on? What "right decision" has he made so far?

... does not worry about an Oval Office takeover by the radical Christian right, yet he does fret about what he calls the "aggressively secular" attitude he sees on the left.

Why are people afraid of someone who will NOT base their decisions on their personal religion? I always thought that is what this country was founded on. Maybe i'm just wrong....Why is it better to have a radical christian right-winger in the office than someone who bases their decisions of facts?

Every day i find more reasons to be terrified of the future....