Saturday, September 11, 2004

Just the Facts

THE ISSUES - what we really should be concerned with right now - not something that did or didn't happen 30 years ago, or whatever new lies anyone can come up with - just what has happened during the last 4 years and what we can expect for the next 4 years. These are the candidates' stances- verified by many sources. I don't even know how there can be any discussion!

Reproductive & Women’s Rights
Keeping abortion safe & legal
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry
The Violence against Women Act
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry

U.S. Economy
Raising the National Minimum Wage
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry
Privatizing Social Security
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry

Tax Breaks for the Rich
Additional tax cuts for corporations
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry
Tax cuts for people making over $200,000
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry

Religion & Government
Organized prayer in public school
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry
Federal funding of religious charities
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry

Oil drilling in the Artic Wildlife Refuge
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry
Mandatory clean air emissions standards
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry

Equal Rights
Amending the US Constitution to ban gay marriages
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry
Civil Unions for gays and lesbians
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry

Death Penalty
A National review of death penalty fairness
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry

Requiring manufacturers to have safety devices on all guns
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry
Requiring background checks on gun show purchases
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry

Addition funding for higher education
Opposes - Bush
Supports - Kerry
Vouchers taking away funding from public schools for private and religious schools
Supports - Bush
Opposes - Kerry