isn't it amazing that the "liberal media" isn't giving this huge story more coverage?
The "tax and spend Dems" GOP loves to bash just reduced the deficit by 13%
(Crooks and Liars)
Boy, you would think that a "liberal media" would be talking about this story non-stop, yet the only place I have heard about it is on Countdown and Crooks and Liars. What a puzzler... It's almost as if the media is actually over-whelmingly conservative, since they will breathlessly repeat every conservative slur, but won't talk about this huge story that could change the election for the better...
(Crooks and Liars)
Boy, you would think that a "liberal media" would be talking about this story non-stop, yet the only place I have heard about it is on Countdown and Crooks and Liars. What a puzzler... It's almost as if the media is actually over-whelmingly conservative, since they will breathlessly repeat every conservative slur, but won't talk about this huge story that could change the election for the better...
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