Tuesday, December 22, 2009

lying and extreme hyperbole

Matalin slurs health reform advocates as ‘health care jihadists.’

Yesterday on CNN, Republican strategist and CNN contributor Mary Matalin railed against Democrats for pushing forward with health reform efforts. “They’ve been on this jihad for 70 years, and they’re going to throw over all their competitive seats to do it,” she said, adding:

And I don’t know what kind of party that is. That leaves left in the Democratic Party the urban centers, this is tyranny of the minority. Two-thirds of the country don’t want this. And one-third of these jihadists, these health care jihadists do. I guess that’s how democracy in the Obama era works.

Moments later, she smeared the prior efforts to establish Social Security and Medicare as “entitlement jihads” as well.

(Think Progress)
Besides the fact that at least 2/3's of Americans DO want health care reform, calling an attempt to improve the health of our nation a "jihad" is showing an extreme misunderstanding of what a jihad actually is.

Or else she's just a sick and twisted asshole...