Saturday, October 24, 2009

again, not even trying to make sense

Bachmann Says Dole And Frist Represent A ‘Non-Pro-Freedom Agenda’ Because They Want Health Reform
(Think Progress)
No matter what you think of the need for health care reform, how does supporting it mean that you are "non-pro-freedom"?! Are you only "pro-freedom" if you don't want Americans to have access to health care? What's the connection here?

And this is another hilariously illogical statement:
Bachmann replied that although she does receive a lot of mail, it is “because Nancy Pelosi has made me a top target.” Ingraham then began mocking Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives and the highest-ranking female politician in American history — by making hissing and cat noises, then shrieking, “she doesn’t like powerful women.”
The most powerful woman in the country has a problem with powerful women!
Do these loons really not see how absurd they sound or do they just not care?