Sunday, August 16, 2009

so, is Obama going to prove that he is just another politician?

Sebelius: Public insurance option not essential

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's health secretary is suggesting the White House is ready to accept nonprofit insurance cooperatives instead of a government-run public option in a health overhaul plan. A Republican senator says that is worth looking at.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says Obama still believes there should be choice and competition" in the health insurance market — but that a public option is "not the essential element."

Obama has been pressing for the government to run a health insurance organization to help cover the nation's nearly 50 million uninsured. But he had not seen a not-for-profit co-op as sufficient to offer consumers choice and competition that would bring down the costs of private insurance.


I know that Obama has always just been mildly center-left at best, but he did make some promises and it is very disappointing to see him act like just another politician who just makes campaign promises that he doesn't plan on keeping.

If he keeps this up, he will just have the entire populace mad at him - the conservatives for their imagined fears (that have nothing to do with reality) and the liberals and centrists for his pandering to the extreme right.

We still have to see how this plays out, but this is another issue that he should not bend on and that there is no reason for him to bend on and yet he continues to placate the right-wing extremists.

Is he really a conservative in disguise?