Saturday, June 27, 2009

ooh - be very afraid!

Gingrey Compares Democratic Leadership To The ‘Forces Of Darkness’ In Iran And North Korea
(Think Progress)
These repugs are so over the top as to be comical these days. So pathetic.
Has there been a single repug that has actually talked about a real issue in the last couple of decades?!
And more:
McCain says the House is ‘almost under an autocracy now with Speaker Pelosi.’
This is just silly. With all of the very real problems facing this country and the world and the repugs make it all about themselves and their bizarre persecution complex.
And still more absurdities:
Limbaugh: Obama is ‘behaving like an African colonial despot.’
(Also TP)
And Beck doesn't even try to make sense any more (if he ever did)
Glenn Beck claims supporters of cap-and-trade are either dumb, ‘greedy,’ ‘wicked’ or ‘treasonous.'