THIS is what they're worrying about now?!
How Dare You, Sir? I Say, How Dare You?!11!OMG!!!BBQ!(First Draft)Oh, God, now they're going after Notre Dame. Release the flying monkeys!
The word “perfidy” derives from the Latin “perfidus,” that is, “faithless” or “detrimental to faith”; it is also synonymous with “treachery,” or “violation of allegiance or trust.” The University of Notre Dame’s decision to honor President Obama as its commencement speaker in May is perfidious and treacherous in the extreme.
So now the repugs are freaking out because Obama has been asked to speak somewhere?! They do know that he is the president, don't they?! Any institution that gets this immensely popular president as a speaker has performed an incredible act of fantastic PR.
Do the repugs really not have any grasp at all on reality?
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