Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama's plans helping the economy

Dow up nearly 500 on bank plan, rise in home sales

NEW YORK – Wall Street got the news it wanted on the economy's biggest problems — banks and housing — and celebrated by hurtling the Dow Jones industrials up nearly 500 points. Investors added rocket fuel Monday to a two-week-old advance, cheering the government's plan to help banks remove bad assets from their books and also welcoming a report showing a surprising increase in home sales. Major stock indicators surged more than 6 percent, including the Dow, which had its biggest percentage gain since October.

Although analysts were still hesitant to say Wall Street is squarely on its way to recovery after the collapse that began last fall, they said the banking and housing news bolstered the belief that the economy is starting to heal.


The repugs are going to be so upset that the country isn't continuing to fall apart! They've put all of their hope into destroying our economy.

I'm sure they will still do whatever they can to sabotage this upswing.