Thursday, February 26, 2009


GOP at risk of becoming party in the no

Another day, another no vote.

After near-unanimous Republican congressional opposition to President Barack Obama’s stimulus package and a week dominated by headlines of GOP governors poised to reject stimulus funding, House Republicans followed up with another resounding “no” on the $410 billion omnibus spending package Wednesday.

This time, though, 16 members broke from the party line on a vote Minority Whip Eric Cantor had urged his colleagues to reject. And the cracks in the facade appear to be the first public signal of Republican rank-and-file squeamishness with a remarkably high-risk strategy that promises an uncertain return.

For Republicans, a central question looms: Is saying no to Obama’s agenda the way to get voters to say yes to an already beleaguered GOP brand?

Is the media really just noticing this? "No" is all that the repugs have - and they are damn proud of it.
They want the economy and the country to fail just so that they can get back into power again and f'k things up even more.
It's all a game to them. They don't care anything about this country and its people.
The citizens are noticing. Eventually, the "liberal media" will catch on, as well...