Friday, January 30, 2009

this makes sense

Obama plans to reintroduce family planning funding stripped from economic recovery package.
Earlier this week, under pressure from conservatives, President Obama agreed to remove a provision expanding access to comprehensive family planning services for low-income women from the economic recovery package. But TPMDC reports that at yesterday’s Lilly Ledbetter Act signing ceremony, Obama assured attendees “that the family planning aid would be done soon — perhaps as soon as next week, when the House is set to take up a spending bill that would keep the government funded until October.” As ThinkProgress reported earlier, the CBO estimates that this provision would save the government around $700 million over 10 years.

(Think Progress)
If the repugs are saying that they're not going to vote for it no matter what, why not return positive items to the bill that will actually help teh economy instead of simply appease obstructionist repugs?