Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hewitt has some imagination!

Hugh Hewitt’s ode to President Bush.

In a new piece for Politico today, right-wing pundit Hugh Hewitt pens a paean to President Bush, saying that he remains in the small minority who approve of the job the President is doing. “Count me among the 30 percent, which will soon be 40 percent — and then more than 50 percent much sooner than most of the chattering class can conceive,” Hewitt writes. He also repeatedly compares Bush to Lincoln and insists that he will have a great legacy:

Like Lincoln, he picked commanders and followed their recommendations until overwhelming evidence of failure could no longer allow him to do so, and then he changed commanders. As with Lincoln, this approach to command led to some defeats on the battlefield. … Bush is deeply loved by the military. In wartime, that is among the most important measures. […]

But his greatest admirers will be Americans, and perhaps Afghans, Iraqis, Israelis, Indians and Africans a century or more from now who read about his record and resolve in so many efforts will marvel at his restraint and credit his faith and his family for a remarkable service to freedom.

Hewitt later dismisses Bush’s critics as “14-year-olds with Internet connections.”

(Think Progress)
Wow! Good luck with all of that! What reality do these people live in?