Friday, December 19, 2008
Previous Posts
- i think that the nation's emotions will be "glee",...
- this isn't going to go away, Obama - you f'k'd up
- Rachel Maddow on Obama's "first big mistake"
- US continuing to look backwards instead of forwards
- will we ever get the final results?
- Deep Throat dies
- WH auto bailout
- comparing "scandals"
- weird sense of pride
- i would place on bet on this
Great, Informative Reads
- Aetiology
- alicublog
- America Blog
- American Progress
- Atrios
- Attytood
- Bay of Fundie
- Brother Can You Spare A Job
- Buzzflash
- Caring Consumer - anti-animal testing blog
- Common Dreams
- Crooks And Liars
- Daily Kos
- Richard Dawkins
- The Democratic Party
- Democratic Underground
- Echidne of the Snakes
- Feministe
- Feministing
- Fire Dog Lake
- First Draft
- Freeway Blogger
- The Gist
- Give 'em Hell Harry!
- Huffington Post
- Hullabaloo
- Instaputz
- Kicking Ass
- Ezra Klein
- Las Vegas Gleaner
- The Left Coaster
- Left I On The News
- Liberal Oasis
- Maddow Blog
- Media Matters
- Metroblogging New Orleans
- Michael Moore
- National Organization for Women
- Newshounds
- No More Mister Nice Blog
- Operation Yellow Elephant
- The Panda's Thumb
- Pharyngula Part 2
- Political Wire
- The Raw Story
- The Rude Pundit
- Sadly, No!
- Seeing the Forest
- Shakespeare's Sister
- The Sideshow
- Skippy the Bush Kangaroo
- The Smirking Chimp
- Sparklepony
- The Talent Show
- Talk Left
- Talking Points Memo
- Tapped
- The new TBogg
- Think Progress
- This Modern World
- Watching America
- WTF Has Obama Done?
- Oliver Willis
- James Wolcott
- Wonkette
News Sources
Not-so-serious, Fun stuff! (Cuz lord knows we need it!)
- La Vie En Robe by Dan Epstein
- I Will Destroy You
- The Onion
- Pundit Kitchen
- The Landover Baptist Church
- The Darwin Awards
- Museum of Bad Album Covers!
- Opinions You Should Have
- Band to Band
- TV Party
- Fundie Say The Darndest Things
- Fred Hembeck
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Weekly World News
- God Is Imaginary
- Yo, God! God Detector
- Charles Bukowski
- Damn Interesting
- People of Walmart
- Texts From Last Night
- Clients From Hell
- This is Photo Bomb
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