Sunday, November 02, 2008

oh, i feel so sorry for them!

‘There is a real sadness there’ in the White House.

The Washington Post reports today that loyal Bushies are engaging in upbeat talk to mask “disappointment and frustration among many White House staffers,” who see their boss as “a good and steadfast man who has gotten a bad rap”:

bush.jpg“Everybody kind of wanted to spend the last 100-plus days doing some legacy things, and the financial crisis has thrown a wrench into that,” said one prominent Republican who regularly talks with senior White House officials.

“You have a combination of no legacy stuff, a horrible economic mess and the likelihood that Obama is going to win,” this person added. “There is a real sadness there.”

(Think Progress)
Maybe if bush wasn't such an ass over the last 8 years, then we wouldn't have had years worth of "disappointment and frustration" and then he wouldn't be thought of as a fucker who tried to destroy the world!