Monday, November 03, 2008

jumping the sinking ship

Crist bolts from McCain rally.

CNN’s Ed Henry reports that Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL) quickly bolted after Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) sparsely attended rally today:

John McCain’s first rally of the day, in Tampa outside Raymond James Stadium, only drew about 1,100 people. Local reporters noting that at almost the same spot just before the 2004 election, President Bush drew about 15,000 people. Two weeks ago, Obama drew an estimated 8,000.

Republican Gov. Crist, who had previously agreed to do interviews with CNN and various local affiliates, bolted right after the rally with no explanation.

Earlier this month, Crist came under fire for skipping several McCain campaign events. When questioned by Fox and Friends on whether he had “a little bit of a problem” with the campaign, Crist insisted, “I’m proud to stand with John McCain.”

Update - Fox's Carl Cameron admitted that the size of the crowd today was "a little bit disturbing" for the McCain campaign, noting that organizers had set up venue for ten times the number of attendees.

Update - Adam Smith of the St. Petersburg Times writes, 'We are the quiet majority that goes out and gets things done. ... I smell victory,' said state Rep. Kevin Ambler. Good thing he smells it, because it's hard to see it with this crowd."

(Think Progress)