Wednesday, October 15, 2008

weird, out-of-touch editorial

Amid Palin hype, a pro-life feminist's dilemma
This caught my eye and as I read it, I found it more and more bizarre.
Basically this woman calls herself a pro-life feminist (which is odd to me and she never really explains her support for other women's rights while wanting to remove this one) and makes a wild claim that the only reason that women don't like Palin is because she is anti-choice!

Wow! Has this person really not been paying attention at all for the last month or so? Sure, this is a major problem with Palin but FAR from the only one. The fact that Palin was chosen solely due to the fact that she's a ultra-conservative woman and not because she is qualified in any way is an insult to women everywhere. This is not a feminist role model!

And somehow - again not explained in any way - the write claims that "Palin's presence on the Republican ticket is my last slim hope that the GOP will make good on their convention pledge and become responsive and accountable to working-class Americans." Wha...?! WTF does this millionaire bimbo have to do with working class Americans? Just bizarre...

How do these painfully uninformed people get a forum for their nonsensical positions?