Tuesday, October 07, 2008

thanks to the bush/McCain policies

U.S. debt grows too big for National Debt Clock.

The National Debt Clock in New York’s Times Square — first erected in 1989 when the debt was less than $3 trillion — cannot keep pace with the growing national debt, now at more than $10 trillion. NBC’s Brian Williams reported last night that “the debt has been piling up so fast lately they had to drop the dollar sign to make room for an
extra digit.” A new clock with two extra digits will go up next year.

Recall in September 2000, during President Clinton’s last year in office, the National Debt Clock had the opposite problem. It was shut down because “it started ticking in the opposite direction, shaving off roughly $30 a second.”

(Think Progress)
Mind-boggling what 8 years have done to this country.