Saturday, October 11, 2008

does she really not realize that her views are the ones that are "radical"?

Palin criticizes Obama on abortion at Pa. rally

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin attacked Barack Obama on abortion on Saturday, saying the Democratic presidential candidate has "left behind even the middle ground on the issue of life."
Palin said she and Republican presidential candidate John McCain would be "defenders of the culture of life." She opposes abortion in all cases except where the pregnancy threatens the woman's life.

In the Illinois Senate, Obama opposed legislative efforts in 2001, 2002 and 2003 to give legal protections to any aborted fetus that showed signs of life. The 2003 measure was virtually identical to a bill President Bush signed into law in 2002 that unanimously passed the U.S. Senate.

Obama and others who opposed the Illinois bill said the state already had a law to protect aborted fetuses born alive and considered able to survive. They contended that the proposed legislation would have undermined abortion rights in ways that the federal law would not.

Palin called Obama's ideas and votes on abortion "radical."


So not it i "radical" to agree with bush on abortion?! I guess you could look at it that way, but not from an anti-choice point of view.

So, once again, Palin is lying about Obama and his views. Big surprise!

Of course, she is the one whose views are far out of sync with most of this country.