Wednesday, September 03, 2008

repugs & the economy - it's ok for them so it must be ok for everyone

Where's the economy at the GOP convention? Do the Republicans just think Americans are too stupid to notice the economy is being ignored in St. Paul?

Notice how the Republicans, while managing to take swipe after swipe at Barack Obama, haven't told us a thing about McCain's plan for the fixing the failed economy. Nothing. The failing economy isn't just a political issue for American families, it's a harsh reality. The Republicans apparently don't want it to muck up their well-choreographed show. And, let's face it, if you don't know how many homes you own, you're not too worried about the economy. Time Magazine's Joe Klein noticed:

But the most striking thing about the evening was what was missing: even the slightest wisp of substance. Not even a detailed tax cutting proposal, not even a paean to anti-missile defense or a rant against Iran. The strategy here seems crystal clear--indeed, it was stated today by McCain's campaign manager, "Issues don't matter." The Republicans are gambling that John McCain's inspiring biography will overcome the overwhelming--80%--feeling that the country has been moving in the wrong direction. They are gambling that people will turn to Republicans to clean up the mess that Republicans made. And they may be right, but I'd guess the euphoria over John McCain's story will last no longer than the next time most Americans have to pull out their checkbooks and pay the bills.

The Obama campaign noticed (via email)

At a time when millions of Americans are struggling like never before to pay their mortgage, their medical bills, and their gas bills, tonight’s speakers at John McCain’s Republican convention proved how out of touch their candidate is by saying not one word about his plans to put our economy back on track and provide real relief to middle-class families. Apparently, John McCain’s belief that we’ve made ‘great progress’ economically over the last eight years means he doesn’t have to offer any plans at all to fix our ailing economy,” said Obama campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor.

Washington Post columnist Harold Myerson couldn't find anything either:

Maybe it's a good thing for Republicans that Hurricane Gustav has abbreviated their convention. On an issue of some concern to Americans -- the economy -- they seem to have nothing to say.

I have combed the schedule of events here without finding a single forum, workshop or kaffeeklatsch devoted to what John McCain and the Republican Party propose to do about America's short- and long-term economic challenges. I've found four panels on what to do about the Middle East, but not one on what to do about the Middle West.

Not talking about an issue doesn't take if off the table -- especially when the issue is discussed at kitchen tables across this country every day.



Actually Thompson said something about the economy - he said that it wasn't a problem and that the Dems were making too big of a deal about it!

I guess they think if they ignore the problem it will just go away!