McCain - MIA
The prodigal son returns. John McCain has announced that America is finally confronting a crisis that he doesn't feel he can be absent for.
Some fun facts about John McCain: Of all Senators, John McCain has been the most absent. There have been 643 votes taken in the current Senate session: McCain has missed 412 of them.
McCain has not voted in the Senate since April 8th. Since March, he has missed 109 of the last 110 votes.
He missed votes on the GI Bill, energy policy, and in 2007 he missed "all 15 critical environmental votes in the Senate" -- giving him a 2007 rating of 0% from the League of Conservation Voters. Zero percent? I don't think that's fair. I think they should have given him an "incomplete", and told him that he had to stay for summer session if he wants to graduate from the Senate.
So welcome back, John McCain. If I were the Senate Democrats, I would now completely rejigger the Senate schedule in order to put things up that America would really, really like to see John McCain cast a vote on. It seems the least we could do.
(Daily Kos)
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