Tuesday, July 01, 2008

WTF is this shit?

Obama to expand Bush's faith based programs

CHICAGO - Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans to expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and — in a move sure to cause controversy — support some ability to hire and fire based on faith.

I guess he's just showing that underneath it all, he is just another politician. Maybe a better one overall, but still someone who is going to pander to the bullshit.

This is pretty disappointing.

And more disappointment here:

UPDATED with video: Obama criticizes MoveOn.org in patriotism speech: Wesley Clark hears it too…

(Crooks and Liars)

I had really hoped that he wouldn't be a pandering jerk and hopefully, these cases will be the exceptions to the rules, but man, so much for principles...