so, will we now stop seeing absurd stories of the media's "bias" towards Obama?
NBC’s Williams confirms that McCain camp made no offer to cover McCain’s trip abroad.
Right wing media figures have been charging that the media is “biased” because the three major network news anchors accompanied Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) on his current trip overseas and ignored Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ). But, as ThinkProgress noted yesterday, Newsweek has reported that McCain “chose not to take reporters” with him to Europe, thus making the Right’s charges baseless. Yesterday during an interview on the UK’s Channel 4 News, NBC News anchor Brian Williams confirmed Newsweek’s report:
WILLIAMS: When Sen Obama comes to Europe and the Middle East — and in effect the pejorative is summons — the presenters or anchors from the so called big three over the air broadcast networks in the States and offers interview deals with a varying degree of exclusivity and they all agree to go …There has been no, I must say, similar offer from the McCain campaign with which we are in touch with constantly.
(Think Progress)
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