Wednesday, June 18, 2008

bush: no new ideas and blaming Congress for his failures

Bush to Congress: Embrace energy exploration now

WASHINGTON - With gasoline topping $4 a gallon, President Bush urged Congress on Wednesday to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, saying the United States needs to increase its energy production.
There are two prohibitions on offshore drilling, one imposed by Congress and another by executive order. Bush is not lifting the executive order, saying he wants Congress to take the first step. He said he will lift the executive ban once Congress lifts its moratorium.


Congressional Democrats were quick to reject the push for lifting the drilling moratorium, saying oil companies already have 68 million acres offshore waters under lease that are not being developed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Bush's proposals "another page from (an)... energy policy that was literally written by the oil industry — give away more public resources."

Sen. Barack Obama, the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee, rejected lifting the drilling moratorium that has been supported by a succession of presidents for nearly two decades.

"This is not something that's going to give consumers short-term relief and it is not a long-term solution to our problems with fossil fuels generally and oil in particular," said Obama. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, lumping Bush with McCain, accused them of staging a "cynical campaign ploy" that won't help lower energy prices.

"Despite what President Bush, John McCain and their friends in the oil industry claim, we cannot drill our way out of this problem," Reid said. "The math is simple: America has just three percent of the world's oil reserves, but Americans use a quarter of its oil."

Bush's main defense of his failures is the kindergarten defense - "i didn't do it - he did it!"
Bush and the repugs have been in charge and this is completely their failure - this has nothing to do with the Democrats who have had a small majority in Congress for what - 8 months?

And notice that bush doesn't want to take the first step - he wants to blame Congress for the backlash that this policy would bring.

Wouldn't it be nice to have someone with some real ideas in charge instead of this petulant child? Maybe like Obama, who speaks on this issue like an adult, with logic and real solutions?