another lying corrupt repug
Don Young warns of ’slippery, slippery road.’
Yesterday, the House voted overwhelmingly to request a federal criminal investigation into a controversial $10-million earmark by Rep. Don Young (R-AK). In 2005, after Congress had voted on the highway funding bill, Young’s staff changed the language for the earmark, directing it to a controversial highway interchange in Florida. Yesterday, Young took to the House floor, claiming that “local people” supported the project:
After all the accusations and rumors about this bill, I hope this sets the record straight. This project was asked for by the community. … The Senate is meddling in House affairs. I’m supporting this bill. I welcome, if you want to welcome, an investigation into the House. But remember, that is a slippery slippery road we’re about to be involved in. … But keep in mind that coconut grove was not my idea. It was created and fostered by the local people of that community.
In reality, the interchange was “a low priority” for county officials. In fact, local officials ultimately “refused the money and asked Congress to let them use it for its original purpose.” But for Young donor Daniel Aronoff, it would have increased the value of his property — raising questions of impropriety.
(Think Progress)
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