Friday, February 08, 2008

well, this is kind of a given, isn't it?

AP: Evangelical leader endorses Huckabee
Huckabee's an evangelical - who else would Dobson support? Huckabee is the only candidate who shares his bigoted views of anti-equality and anti-choice. Thankfully, most of America doesn't share those views - especially Huckabee's looney-tune vision of turning America into a theocracy (under his version of gawd, of course!)

More on this issue from Americablog

It really is somewhat fascinating - in a revolting kind of way - that the repugs count on evangelicals bigotry and sexism and backwards thinking to win the elections for them. Again, how can any woman or gay person be a republican? It's astounding! Their entire party is based on hatred of women and gays! For that matter, I can't understand how any sane person would want to affiliate themselves with the repugs - how embarassing to be known as part of a regressive, bigoted party.

But then, i grew up believing in the equality of all people (y'know - what this country is based on), so what do i know?