Monday, February 11, 2008

now believing in our constitutional rights is "anti-antiterror"

WSJ attacks the ‘anti-antiterror left.’

In an editorial on FISA today, the Wall Street Journal slams lawmakers’ attempts to deny telcos retroactive immunity:

Not long ago Democrats seemed ready to move a bipartisan bill passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee last autumn. But under pressure from the anti-antiterror left, they are now bending and will try to weaken the bill on the Senate floor. Given that the House is likely to pass something far worse, the Senate debate will determine how much the U.S. ties its own hands in the fight against terrorists.

By far the worst threat is an amendment from Senator Chris Dodd (D., Conn.) to deny legal immunity to telephone companies that cooperated with the government on these wiretaps after 9/11.

(Think Progress)
Does any sane person believe this type of rambling? Do they actually think that "the left" wants "terrorists" to win? How idiotic would you have to be to believe that lunacy?
This divisiveness is just insulting...