Tuesday, January 22, 2008

thankfully, he can't do much about this

Bush embraces pro-lifers.

This morning, on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Bush met with the participants in the March for Life, anti-choice group. The National Review’s K-Lo describes the scene:

On a cold morning in Washington today, the president got a warm reception by pro-lifers in the East Room of the White House. The crowd — which included the organizers of the official March for Life — expressed their gratitude in what seemed like an endless sea of applause, breaking up the president’s speech, which continued as he worked the room.

The president said that “in a civilized society, the strong protect the weak.” He talked about the unborn as not only being lives that deserve protection, but beings with “souls.” The president said that “America is better than this” — meaning legal abortion. … The president’s receptive audience was grateful — no doubt a gratitude that was intensified by the prospect of a less-welcoming administration to come.

(Think Progress)
Of course, bush wants to take away as many rights as he possibly can, but seeing as a majority of America is pro-choice, I think this is one right that even bush can't remove, but he may still try!

I tend to be glib and not take much time on my posts these days just because i seem to never have spare time anymore, but this is a really important landmark. I have lived my adult life with the knowledge that this right exists and that it has helped literally countless people maintain a productive life without having to have their lives unduly burdened due to a mistake or due to contraceptives not working properly. This is taken for granted these days and I don't believe that most thinking Americans can imagine life without this literally life-saving right. We do need to maintain a dilligence and not let anti-choicers take away this vital right that every person on the planet should have.

Plenty more from Feministe