In an interview with the Texas Monthly, former Bush counselor Dan Bartlett said the White House press corps is too “critical” of Bush:I think White House correspondents have been tagged, unfairly, with not being tough enough on the administration and President Bush in the run-up to the war. If you go back and look, they asked all the right questions. The problem is, they’re acting now like they have to be five times more critical, and I think they’ve gone overboard.
Like Karl Rove, Bartlett also claimed that “Iraq is not going to be the front-burner
issue in the way that everybody initially predicted.”UPDATE: TPM and Kevin Drum note that Bartlett also said the White House enjoyed communicating with right-wing bloggers because “they regurgitate exactly and put up on their blogs what you said to them.”
(Think Progress)
Wow! If someone thinks that the press are being too tough on bush, i'd sure hate to see it if they were being soft on him! My gawd, he gets a free ride constantly - no matter how many times he is caught in lies or caught hiding facts.
I wonder what it's like living in Bizarro-world?
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