Thursday, December 13, 2007

i sure hope that the Dems capitalize on this

"It's the economy, stupid" Take II

Bad news from the GOP who created our current round of economic problems.

Higher prices for gasoline and home heating oil, stock market volatility and rising mortgage foreclosures all account for some of the pessimism, in the view of political pollsters.

Significantly, they also cite the recent drop in real estate prices as a major worry for millions who have long viewed their homes as a source of retirement income.

“People feel less secure these days,” and their concerns turn to issues such as education, health care and retirement security as well as the economy, said Sara Taylor, a former White House political director not aligned with any of the Republican presidential hopefuls.

People need to be reminded that it is the incompetent repugs and their war-mongering ways that have brought us to this point. Just because it is obvious does not mean that the Dems should not hammer this point often!