oh, give me a break!
Study: Democrats get more A.M. airtime
NEW YORK - A conservative media watchdog organization charged Wednesday that the network morning news shows have spent considerably more time this year on Democrats running for president than on Republicans.
Network news executives rejected any suggestion of bias, and said they have a considerably harder time getting Republican candidates to appear on their shows.
The repugs are refusing to appear on the shows, so somehow that means that the shows have a bias?! The shows can't force the candidates to appear!
Fuckin' whiny babies! Your candidates are too damn chicken to appear in a unbiased forum - you'll find them all over Fox News.
And this organization is counting stories on Elizabeth Edwards cancer as part of the bias! Truly pathetic...
This is nothing like the incredible bias against the Dems prior to the 2004 election, which was astounding!
I'm sick of these idiots crying "unfair" if everyone doesn't bend over and kiss their asses!
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