Monday, July 16, 2007

go Reid!

BREAKING: Reid To Force All-Night Filibuster On Iraq Withdrawal

Moments ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that in response to conservative obstructionism, he plans to force war supporters to physically remain in the Senate and filibuster Iraq withdrawal legislation.

Reid accused conservatives of “protecting the President rather than protecting our troops” by “denying us an up or down vote on the most important issue our country faces.” He said that if a vote on the Reed/Levin Iraq legislation is not allowed today or tomorrow, he will keep the Senate in session “straight through the night on Tuesday” and force a filibuster. From Reid’s speech:

Republicans are using a filibuster to block us from even voting on an amendment that could bring the war to a responsible end. They are protecting the President rather than protecting our troops.

They are denying us an up or down — yes or no — vote on the most important issue our country faces.

I would like to inform the Republican leadership and all my colleagues that we have no intention of backing down.

If Republicans do not allow a vote on Levin/Reed today or tomorrow, we will work straight through the night on Tuesday.

The American people deserve an open and honest debate on this war, and they deserve an up or down vote on this amendment to end it.

Reid’s announcement follows calls from OpenLeft, Firedoglake and others for Congress to call the conservatives’ bluff and force them to filibuster the Levin-Reed Iraq redeployment bill.

(Think Progress)
Yes! Please stand up to the obstructionists and force them to take a stand on this war!
Reid and the Dems had better not back down on this!