Monday, June 18, 2007

the Dems need to learn to sink to the level of the repugs in the PR world

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new Democratic-led Congress is drawing the ire of voters upset with its failure to quickly deliver on a promise to end the Iraq war.

This is reflected in polls that show Congress -- plagued by partisan bickering mostly about the war -- at one of its lowest approval ratings in a decade. Surveys find only about one in four Americans approves of it.

Amazingly, the repugs are still managing to sabotage the Dems even though they are the minority. By being extreme obstructionists - and by the Dems not harping upon this fact in the media - the repugs are tainting the public's image of Congress. Despite the fact that the Dems have been trying to accomplish what the American people want, the public isn't going to remember that the repugs are the ones who stopped these accomplishments - they will only remember that the Democratic-led Congress didn't accomplish them. It won't matter that the repug-led Congress did even less.

Since the repugs own the media and have such a massive and vicious PR machine, they will certainly make the public believe that this is all the fault of the Dems, despite the facts.
Sick and sad....