Thursday, May 31, 2007

bush continues to be an obstructionist at the cost of the American people

WASHINGTON - Labor legislation that is a priority for Democrats has become the definition of "veto bait" for the White House.

Five of the 24 veto threats President Bush has issued since Democrats took control of Congress target bills with provisions that benefit unions and their members.

Measures passed by either the House or Senate making it easier for unions to organize workplaces, stiffening penalties for union busting or establishing more collective bargaining rights for federal employees are among those under veto threats. Often they're tucked into the fine print provisions and not the major subject of the bill itself.

"There's really a lot of examples where he's looked at legislation, it seems, from the perspective of, 'Will this help workers?' 'Will this help workers win representation?' And if the answer is yes, he finds a reason to veto it," said William Samuel, the AFL-CIO's chief lobbyist.
