bush will probably give him a medal
WASHINGTON - The White House stood by Alberto Gonzales on Monday, even as support for the embattled attorney general erodes on Capitol Hill amid new questions about his honesty.
That's pretty funny - "questions about his honesty"!
It's been proven that he lied. But, nothing that this administration likes better than people who will lie for them.
From Think Progress:
BREAKING: Gonzales Approved Firings Of U.S. AttorneysABC News reports: “New documents show Gonzales approved firings of U.S. attorneys, contradicting earlier claims he was not closely involved.”
And more from Think Progress:
Right-wing blogosphere drops Gonzales.---The Carpetbagger Report looks at conservative blogs, who, like conservative lawmakers, no longer support Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
UPDATE: Flashback: Right-wing blogs initially dismissed the prosecutor purge as an “alleged scandal” and a “silly little, manufactured kerfluffle.”
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