continuing the war on fiction
Cavuto: America’s #1 Movie, Happy Feet, Is ‘Offensive,’ ‘An Animated Inconvenient Truth’The #1 movie in the country, the animated film “Happy Feet,” is “an entertaining story about a young bird’s journey toward self-acceptance.” But to Fox News’ Neil Cavuto it’s insidious “far left” political propaganda.
Cavuto saw the movie with his sons and found it “offensive.” Cavuto objected to the fact that penguins in the movie have trouble finding food because of overfishing and oil drilling. Cavuto called the film “an animated ‘Inconvenient Truth.’ I half expected to see an animated version of Al Gore pop-up.”
(Think Progress)
Gawd forbid there be a couple of facts in his entertainment!
Lie a good lil repug, he wants his life to be fact-free!
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