Tuesday, October 17, 2006

pussy o'reilly

O’Reilly: ‘You Cannot Be Confrontational With The President of the United States’

Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, who argues in a new book that Osama Bin Laden is “cheering” the progressive movement in America, was invited to the White House yesterday for an exclusive interview with President Bush. It was Bush’s third interview with O’Reilly.

Last night, just before he broadcast the first installment of the interview, O’Reilly explained to his viewers that, “You cannot be confrontational with the President of the United States.” Instead, according to O’Reilly, “President Bush will have his say.” O’Reilly added, “I think it is important to look ahead rather than to look back. What good does it do to rehash WMDs? Does that do you any good?”

(Think Progress)
Yep - gawd forbid we learn from our mistakes or have even the slightest bit of accountability!

Or even to call the leader of the free world on his obvious lies! What good would that do?

It's not like o'reilly has talked about other presidents lies about their personal lives or anything! Just because bush's lies have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands - who cares?!