Thursday, June 15, 2006

a mighty twisted "joke"

If It Was A Joke, Where Is The Punchline?
The Marine who wrote and performed the "Hadji Girl" song says it was just a joke but I think we all know that this particular ditty is representative of both the prevailing attitude among our armed forces in Iraq towards the very people they are supposed to be "liberating" and the larger breakdown in discipline that has resulted from a lack of leadership at the top.
The song tells the story of a Marine who falls in love with an Iraqi girl and is taken to meet her family. The girl's family shoots her and then attacks the Marine, who uses her younger sister as a shield and watches blood spray from her head.

He then sings about blowing the father and brother "to eternity."

(First Draft)
Wow - I am glad that I can't find the humor in this.
I don't know if this person had problems before going to Iraq, but either way, this war has really messed with many peoples' minds.