Thursday, June 29, 2006

becoming a communist country?

Hey Media: That's what the communists did

Last night, I watched Paula Zahn interview Susan Milligan, a reporter with the Boston Globe who also chairs the committee on credentials for House and Senate correspondents about the NY Times smear.

Paula was giddy because Congressman JD Hayworth wants to have the press credentials yanked from the Times.

Milligan gave the answer that every reporter needs to hear:

But the important thing here is the principle, is that we don't let Congress tell the press what they can and cannot publish. You know, I -- I lived in Eastern Europe for five years during the 1990s and reported there. And I know what happens in countries where the government tries to suppress or intimidate or censor the press, because that's what the communists did to my friends.

Yes, that's what communists did -- not what nations with freedom of the press do.
