Wednesday, May 03, 2006

who cares about reality?! Let's cut more taxes!

Bush, Hill Republicans Agree To Extend Expiring Tax Cuts
Democrats Point to Deficit and Benefits for the Rich

President Bush and congressional Republicans agreed yesterday on a $70 billion package of tax-cut extensions that they hope will help halt the deterioration of their political fortunes.
But the agreement cannot come to a vote until House and Senate negotiators agree on a second piece of legislation containing many of the proposed tax breaks left out of the compromise, according to legislative aides. And the compromise is sure to spark a new round of recriminations from Democrats, who say the Republican Party continues to favor wealthy investors over lower- and middle-income workers, without regard to a budget deficit that is expected to reach $370 billion this year.

Talk about a party with no ideas! The only idea the repugs ever seem to have is to cut taxes - no matter what the situation! Who cares about the deficit? Who cares that we are passing on debts to our children's children? Who cares where the money is going to come from? They just wanna help their ultra-rich friends.
Freakin' revolting....