Monday, April 24, 2006

"dear mr president"

Watch Pink sing "Dear Mr. President"

Watch an amazing performance by Pink singing "Dear Mr. President" at You Tube. You have to see it. Seriously.

I am far from a Pink fan, but this is good!
She's come a long way from being a spokesperson for a brand of pens!
I believe that it's fantastic that artists (other than underground punk bands) are finally speaking up about the disaster that is bush, but why has it taken so long? I know that there have been a few exceptions - Green Day is an obvious one, though I believe that has to do with their punk background - but where has everyone been for the last 5 years? We are in the midst of the biggest political debacle since the 60's and hardly anyone is talking about it? Is it because the mainstream media is so conservative that artists will be reviled and are scared of the bad publicity? Are they simply scared of condemning this insane "war president"? Why isn't every artist that has an ounce of integrity not writing songs about this mess? How can you not?
I was a musician/songwriter for 25-30 years - it seems impossible to NOT write about the state of the world today.
On a related note, more on Neil Young's new album here