Wednesday, March 15, 2006

this is about right!

Feingold Accuses Democrats of 'Cowering'
WASHINGTON - Wisconsin Sen. Russell Feingold accused fellow Democrats on Tuesday of cowering rather than joining him on trying to censure President Bush over domestic spying.

"Democrats run and hide" when the administration invokes the war on terrorism, Feingold told reporters.

Feingold introduced censure legislation Monday in the Senate but not a single Democrat has embraced it. Several have said they want to see the results of a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation before supporting any punitive legislation.

"I'm amazed at Democrats ... cowering with this president's numbers so low," Feingold said.

The latest AP-Ipsos poll on Bush, conducted last week, found just 37 percent of the 1,000 people surveyed approving his overall performance, the lowest of his presidency.

What the f'k do Dems think that they have to lose by sponsoring this?! Bush is the most unpopular president EVER and a VAST majority of Americans understand that he broke the law and has been screwing us ever since he got into office.
How can this possibly hurt any Dems by supporting it?!
Freakin' spineless cowards!