Tuesday, March 07, 2006

gonzales loves torture!

Gonzales Defends U.S. Policy on Torture
LONDON - The U.S. attorney general defended his country's treatment of terror suspects against criticism from Europe and elsewhere, saying Tuesday that the United States abhors torture and respects the rights of detainees.
The U.S. attorney general — speaking Tuesday at the International Institute for Strategic Studies think-tank in London — vehemently denied such charges, but acknowledged that people might interpret the term "torture" in different ways. The U.S. abides by its own definition, which he said was the intentional infliction of severe mental or physical suffering.
Gonzales said U.S. law also forbids cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees in the United States or abroad by military or civilian personnel.

He declined to comment on alleged interrogation techniques at Guantanamo, such as water boarding, during which the victim believes he is about to drown, or the use of dogs to intimidate prisoners.

"If we went around this room, people would have different definitions of what constitutes torture, depending on the circumstances," he said.

I would think that most people would believe that maiming and mutilating people until they die - as happened in Guantanamo - would at least constitute "torture". Though, maybe gonzales is simply saying that we're not "torturing", we're just slowing killing people.
Whatever it is called, it is not something that America is supposed to be doing.