Tuesday, January 31, 2006

how is it...

...that this president has the lowest poll numbers conceivable, that no one approves of what he is or has done, that everyone thinks that he has done a bad job with everything from Iraq to Katrina to the budget/economy to security to personal rights to civil rights to domestic spying to damn near every freaking thing and yet the Dems are still afraid to oppose him?!?!?!?!
The Dems are the opposition party! Their job should be opposing an unpopular president and his unpopular policies, yet they seem to think that it will make them look bad if they do!
The president has won yet again - his extremist nominee that most of the American public does not agree with gets on the Supreme Court - and the Dems didn't even present a united front against him!
We should be turning this country around and we should be riding high on unpresidented popularity and we should be talking about impeachment, about cleaning up the government, about taking over every branch, about making this country great again, and yet we can't even filibuster a nutjob nominee!!!
damn, this is pathetic....