Tuesday, December 13, 2005

frist has a short memory - and hopes that you do, too!

With Miers Nomination Buried, Frist Resurrects Up-or-Down-Vote Principle
A day before President Bush accepted Harriet Miers’ withdrawal from her nomination to the Supreme Court, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) gave White House chief of staff Andy Card a “frank assessment of the situation in the committee and in the full Senate.” Frist’s “frank assessment” represented the culmination of the right-wing’s efforts to stop Miers from receiving a single hearing, let alone an up-or-down-vote in the full Senate.

After Miers’ nomination was pulled, the Washington Post’s David Broder said that “there is no plausible way the White House can insist that every major judicial nominee deserves such a vote.”

Frist seems to have found a way - just forget the Miers debacle ever happened. On Fox News Sunday, Frist trotted out the pre-Miers talking points:

So I think it would be unconscionable — I think it would be wrong — I think it would be against the intent of the founding fathers and our Constitution to deny Sam Alito an up or down vote on the floor of the United States Senate. I have stood from day one on principle that these Supreme Court justices — nominees deserve an up-or-down-vote, and it would be absolutely wrong to deny him that.

Our video diagnosis of Frist: selective amnesia.

(Think Progress)