Thursday, December 22, 2005

could they possibly be hiding something? surely not!

After three years in super secret US military custody, Bush now wants to transfer "terrorist" Jose Padilla to a regular old federal prison

May I be the first to say "huh?"If Padilla is so dangerous that we had to keep him holed up in secret military prisons without the right to an attorney for the past three years, then how does he suddenly become so unimportant that Bush now wants to put him in the regular old federal court system and try him like any other criminal?

Kind of suggests that Padilla is another very big "whoopsie" by the Bush boys.

Aren't you glad Bush has all that unfettered power to take away our constitutional rights? Glad he never seems to get it wrong.

Oh, and check this out from the NYT article about this:

In denying the administration's request, the three-judge panel unanimously issued a strongly worded opinion that said the Justice Department's effort to transfer Mr. Padilla gave the appearance that the government was trying to manipulate the court system to prevent the Supreme Court from reviewing the case. The judges warned that the administration's behavior in the Padilla case could jeopardize its credibility before the courts in other terrorism cases.

Gee, you mean the Bush administration is trying to manipulate the courts on cases regarding taking away the constitutional rights of Americans. Gosh, sound familiar?
