Monday, October 24, 2005

must be nice to be friends with the prez!

Report: Texas Overpaid Miers in Land Sale
WASHINGTON - Texas officials paid Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' family more than $100,000 for a small piece of land in 2000 — 10 times the land's worth — despite the state's objections to the way the price was determined, Knight Ridder Newspapers reported Saturday.
The price was later reduced from $106,915 to $80,915, but Miers has yet to return the $26,000 difference to the state, said the story by Jack Douglas Jr. and Stephen Henderson.

How can I get to know bush so that I can sell my place for 10 times it's worth?! Of course I don't think that there is any way I could call bush "cool" without laughing my ass off!