Monday, September 12, 2005

magically becoming a victim

From Oliver Willis:
The Reality Denial Field

I read conservative blogs for two reasons: opposition research and laughs. And this post on Powerline (”We still dispute the veracity of the Terri Schiavo talking points”) wins the booby prize

Here’s my point: whatever you think of the mechanics of a particular poll, the direction of President Bush’s poll numbers is clear. And it seems clear that Hurricane Katrina, and the outrageous attacks that the Democrats have pursued over the past week, have dealt him, and the Republican Party, another blow. I see no evidence that the Democrats are paying a price for their dishonorable tactics. And they won’t pay a price, unless the Republicans start defending themselves and attacking the Democrats the way they deserve to be attacked. The “turn the other cheek” approach that the administration has followed for years–don’t respond to attacks, no matter how unfair, just try to ride out the news cycle and move on–has resulted in one needless wound after another, and cumulatively they have now damaged President Bush’s standing with the public, likely beyond repair.

Yes, the Bush admin has sit there, docile, not once denigrating the war record of a veteran, sliming a former governor, deriding a lawyer as a girlie man or an entire party as terrorist appeasers. No, the Republicans have simply taken the barbs of those mean Democrats for years and are just too genteel to respond.

I would like to know who your crack dealer is because that is some excellent stuff.

The scary thing is that some of these lunatics actually believe this! The fact that the repugs are the most vicious lie-merchants ever in the history of mankind somehow evades them!